VIJEI New TYPE-39 T-39FH Electrode Rod T-81C/82C T-71C/71M T-600C Q101 Z1C Z2C T-601C T-72C T-Q101 Electrode T-66 Fusion Splicer Electrodes ER-10
VIJEI New TYPE-39 T-39FH Electrode Rod T-81C/82C T-71C/71M T-600C Q101 Z1C Z2C T-601C T-72C T-Q101 Electrode T-66 Fusion Splicer Electrodes ER-10
VIJEI New Electrode TYPE-39 Electrode Rod 81C Electrode T66 Fusion Splicer Electrode ER-10 New Import Method of identifying the electrode: electrode and ha Domestic can not do this process. Please contact us online by trade manager or email or whats app (+86 13598806093) if you do not understand, we will service for you 24 hours. Suitable Models: TYPE-71 series, TYPE-81 series, TYPE-Q101 series, Z1C, T-600C, T-400S, TYPE-39FH/FA, TYPE-66, TYPE-82C Technical Quota: 1. Discharge life: > 5000 time 2. Welding loss: < 0.02db